Completed projects

Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC) Ivory Coast

Project name : MCC IVORY COAST
Type of assignment : N/D
Project description:
Ivory Coast economic development continues to suffer from the inability to meet private sector demand for properly regulated and functional industrial zones - both through new development and rehabilitation.

The MCC has moved Ivory Coast from a threshold program to compact development, with one of the compact's objectives being the development of the industrial zone to address land-related constraints to industrial productivity and economic growth in Ivory Coast.

The areas considered by MCC for potential investment are:

  • 1. tools for monitoring demand for industrial land;
  • 2. reforms to enable land markets to meet demand;
  • 3. capacity-building for government players on industrial estates;
  • 4. refine and expand the use of PPPs; and
  • 5. Improve environmental, social and gender performance in industrial zones.

Deloitte's role is to provide design recommendations for the Compact to help the GOCI and Ivory Coast industrial sector realize growth opportunities, and to provide due diligence advisory services on specific elements of the Compact.

Services and results :
As part of this due diligence mission, GTG Partners undertook the following actions: Legal/Regulatory - Review and recommendations on the existing legal/regulatory framework; Institutional - Review and recommendations on the GOCI institutional framework, identification of areas for investigation; Environmental - Review of environmental issues in industrial zones, including fatal defects; Social/Gender - Analysis of social/gender issues as well as initial reflection on activities that could improve social/gender performance.

Sectors of activity





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